Each envelope type that you create from the TrueSign Admin View, can be configured for multiple delivery methods, but it must have only one default. The delivery method indicates how the completed envelope is going to make it back to the system that uploaded it into TrueSign. When a new envelope is created, you can override the default delivery method.

Delivery methods

TrueSign API#

The TrueSign API delivery method will always enabled and it cannot be disable. You will always have the ability to query the TrueSign API and get an envelope, assuming the envelope has not been purged either by the admin or by the retention policy.

If TrueSign API is set as the default delivery method, then TrueSign will not send anything to the caller (the system that created the envelope), and it is that system's responsibility to call the TrueSign API and retrieve the completed envelope.

ImageSoft Service Bus#

The ImageSoft Service Bus delivery method, when enabled, will allow TrueSign to send a message to an Azure Service Bus queue with the completed envelope JSON. Make sure your system has configured an application to listen to this service bus and process the messages that it receives. All the credentials needed to connect to the service bus will be on the details page of the envelope type.

Note: This delivery method can be tested only after the envelope type cas been created with the ImageSoft Service Bus enabled.


The email delivery method gives you the ability to receive an email with the JSON of the completed envelope. You can choose to have the envelope content in the email body, as an attachment or both. This delivery method can be used when you have an email processor application or integrating with systems like Microsoft Flow.

This method can be tested once you provide an email address and a subject.

Web Hook#

The Web Hook delivery method allows you to have TrueSign make an HTTP(s) POST to a given endpoint with the completed envelope JSON. You may choose to setup some headers (a key-value pair) required by the endpoint, and TrueSign will include them on the call. These headers can be something like an authorization token or content type, or whatever the endpoint requires.

This method can be tested once a URL has been provided for the endpoint.